Keyera Connects

Through our social investment program, Keyera Connects, we are invested in taking a partnership-based approach to make a meaningful impact in the communities where we operate. This means we work as partners in achieving intended outcomes, making use of the strengths of both of our organizations.

We are focused on making meaningful and lasting impact in our three pillars – Environmental Innovation, Indigenous Reconciliation and Community Resiliency.

Our goal is to respond to all proposals within 30 days. Thank you for thinking of Keyera as a potential partner. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected].

* Indicates a required field.

For file attachments or questions, please contact us at [email protected].

1. Background information

Requester's contact information

Organization details

Areas of impact

To better understand where your organization operates and its reach in relation to Keyera’s operations, please select the Keyera facilities that are close to your areas of impact. If your reach is Alberta-wide, please select all facilities in the province. Please note that Keyera partners with organizations that are close to its operations and its headquarters in Calgary.

Please select at least one Keyera facility that is close to your area of impact

BECQ 5I2Z1606 compressed

Liquids Infrastructure

Alberta Diluent Terminal (ADT)

Select Facility

Keyera.EdmontonTerminal.1048.1FF 1 1

Liquids Infrastructure

Alberta Envirofuels (AEF)

Select Facility

AlderFlats Aerial Shot from Bellatrix

Gathering & Processing

Alder Flats Gas Plant

Select Facility

BTT July 2018

Liquids Infrastructure

Base Line Terminal

Select Facility

DSC 0106compressed

Gathering & Processing

Brazeau River Gas Plant

Select Facility


Gathering & Processing

Cynthia Gas Plant

Select Facility

Keyera.EdmontonTerminal.0275.2.FF compressed

Liquids Infrastructure

Edmonton Terminal

Select Facility

Keyera.YEG.1088.1.FF8 compressed1

Liquids Infrastructure

Fort Saskatchewan Facility (KFS)

Select Facility

DSC 3286compressed

Liquids Infrastructure

Josephburg Terminal

Select Facility

DSC 0083 croppedcompressed

Gathering & Processing

Nordegg River Gas Plant

Select Facility


Gathering & Processing

Pipestone Gas Plant

Select Facility

CF000620 1 Rimby Plant W4750

Gathering & Processing

Rimbey Gas Plant

Select Facility

5I2Z7438 Compressed

Gathering & Processing

Simonette Gas Plant

Select Facility

IMG 0951

Liquids Infrastructure

Oklahoma Liquids Terminal

Select Facility

South Cheechamsmall

Liquids Infrastructure

South Cheecham Terminal

Select Facility


Gathering & Processing

Strachan Gas Plant

Select Facility

Wapiti compressed

Gathering & Processing

Wapiti Gas Plant

Select Facility

WH Aerial June 2021 002

Liquids Infrastructure

Wildhorse Terminal

Select Facility

Zeta Creek compressed1

Gathering & Processing

Zeta Creek Gas Plant

Select Facility

2. Description of organization

Please only enter a dollar value, not a range, with no dollar sign, commas or periods. If you don't have a specific dollar value request, please enter 0.

3. Potential partnership fit

Learn more about Keyera Connects pillars.