Safety is a value and is integral to every action and decision we make.

Fundamental to our way of doing things is an understanding that we all play a role in delivering safety at Keyera. This commitment to safety is supported through our health and safety policies, systems and procedures across the organization. 

View our HSE Policy

Safety is embedded into the day-to-day work and management of our operations through use of an Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS). The OEMS is a comprehensive framework that proactively identifies and mitigates risks through a systematic approach to continuous improvement. It ensures consistently applied procedures for safe operating practices, hazard assessments, document control, and maintenance protocols. To ensure we effectively manage risk at each stage of project development, OEMS has been integrated with our project delivery system, with an enhanced focus on process safety.

Home Safe

We each have someone who cares that we make it home safe. It’s this simple, yet powerful fact that drives safety at Keyera. Achieving our safety goals requires a disciplined and coordinated approach to safety and an attitude from all our people that, "because of me, no one ever gets hurt at a Keyera workplace."

We've received national Workplace Safety Certificates of Recognition for over 20 years.

Continuous improvement in our safety program is also sought through the use of third-party assessments. Since 1999, we've completed an annual Certificate of Recognition (COR) process, a third-party audit of our safety program and our health and safety culture. We participate in formal COR audits on a three-year cycle. These external assessments are intended to ensure that our health and safety program is effective and meets or exceeds provincial standards.

Learn more about safety at Keyera

  • Safely managing our assets

    Keyera has multiple programs that ensure consistent maintenance practices across our pipelines and facilities.

    Learn more
  • Emergency preparedness

    In the unlikely event of an incident, we are prepared to respond quickly and effectively.

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  • Employee and contractor safety

    Training and knowledge sharing are important components of our safety program.

    Learn more
  • Pipeline safety

    Safety is the focus at every stage of the pipeline lifecycle. 

    Learn more

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