Our approach

We believe good governance plays an important role in building stakeholder confidence and achieving our business objectives. We have developed a mandate for our Board of Directors and terms of reference for each Committee of the Board that reflect this belief. We are committed to adopting and engaging in governance practices that are effective, responsive to the needs of our stakeholders, and which emphasize substance over form.


Roles & responsibilities

The Board of Directors of Keyera is directly elected by the Shareholders of Keyera each year at the annual meeting of Shareholders. The Board is responsible for providing effective, independent supervision of Keyera and its affiliates. An integral part of fulfilling this responsibility is the development of and adherence to sound governance practices.  

In carrying out its mandate, the Board of Directors has established four committees: an Audit Committee, Human Resources Committee, Health, Safety & Environment Committee, and a Governance & Sustainability Committee. Each of these Committees assist the Board in overseeing aspects of Keyera's activities within their respective areas of expertise. 

Overall, the Board and its Committees work together closely to advance the interests of Keyera, its affiliates, and its Shareholders, in a way that integrates and respects the collective interests of employees, customers, suppliers, and the communities in which we operate and the general public, and to promote the long-term goals of Keyera to grow value responsibly and in a sustainable manner.

Governance documents

Featured Reports

Name Download
Audit Committee Chair Position Description PDF (93 KB) Audit Committee Chair Position Description
Audit Committee Terms of Reference PDF (114 KB) Audit Committee Terms of Reference
Board Chair Position Description PDF (99 KB) Board Chair Position Description
Board Mandate PDF (79 KB) Board Mandate
Governance & Sustainability Committee Terms of Reference PDF (104 KB) Governance & Sustainability Committee Terms of Reference
Health, Safety, & Environment Committee Chair Position Description PDF (94 KB) Health, Safety, & Environment Committee Chair Position Description
Health, Safety, & Environment Committee Terms of Reference PDF (98 KB) Health, Safety, & Environment Committee Terms of Reference
Human Resources Committee Chair Position Description PDF (78 KB) Human Resources Committee Chair Position Description
Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference PDF (128 KB) Human Resources Committee Terms of Reference
Independent Lead Director Position Description PDF (93 KB) Independent Lead Director Position Description
Keyera has a proud history of strong corporate governance. We believe this commitment is critical to remaining resilient and aligned with stakeholder interests over the long-term."

Business ethics

We are committed to conducting business ethically, legally, and with integrity and honesty. Our reputation is founded on the relationships we have built with our stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, shareholders, competitors, regulators, and the public. We are committed to treating people fairly, respecting diversity, accepting accountability, and communicating openly.

We build value by meeting high standards of professional conduct, and when challenges arise, we act in a way that is consistent with our core values in an effort to resolve issues in a respectful manner.

Directors, officers, employees, contractors, and consultants are expected not only to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, but also to avoid situations where their personal interests could conflict, or appear to conflict, with their duties and responsibilities to us and our affiliates. 

The Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Business Conduct which establishes Keyera’s commitment to do business ethically, legally, and in a way that is consistent with our corporate values. This Code applies to our directors, officers, employees, contractors, and consultants. Keyera also expects our business partners and suppliers to act consistently with the Code, as well as its related policies, practices, and guidelines. Oversight of the Code and associated policies lies with the Board’s Governance & Sustainability Committee. In support of the Code, we have approved business conduct policies covering various matters, including but not limited to: 

  • ethics,
  • human rights,
  • diversity, equity, and inclusion,
  • health, safety, and environment,
  • Indigenous and community engagement
  • disclosure,
  • insider trading,
  • conflicts of interest,
  • anti-bribery, anti-corruption, money laundering, and facilitation payments,
  • political contributions; and
  • lobbying.

Detailed definitions and guidance can be found in the full internal policies and we have adopted a number of specific procedures and guidelines to facilitate compliance with the Code and policies. Where local laws impose a lower standard than our policies, we comply with our higher standards. A review of these policies is part of every new hire orientation. Directors, officers, employees, and contingent workers are expected to review and agree to these policies and we conduct an annual re-certification.

Code of Business Conduct 


Whistleblower Hotline

If you suspect something unethical or illegal is occurring related to our business, it’s important to file a report through our CARE Hotline. Our Hotline is supported by a third-party provider, Grant Thornton. All reports are received by Grant Thornton prior to being sent to us to ensure total anonymity for those who wish to submit a report anonymously. 

How to file a report
Either online through the Grant Thornton website, or on the phone by calling 1-855-484-2273.  You can follow-up on the status of any report either online, or by calling the hotline number using the file number provided to you by Grant Thornton.

What can I report through the hotline?
If you believe that there is unethical or illegal activity occurring relating to our business, we strongly encourage you to file a report. Unethical or illegal concerns or events to report include, but are not limited to:

  • Poor safety practices or concerns
  • Substance abuse
  • Theft
  • Fraud
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Workplace harassment, discrimination and bullying

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (ESTMA)

Meeting reporting expectations: The vast majority of Keyera's business involves midstream activities which are not covered by ESTMA. However, we do engage in oil and gas production as a result of our ownership of reserves associated with some of our facilities in Alberta. While our oil and gas extraction activities make up only a small portion of our business, we will be filing annual ESTMA reports reflecting applicable governmental payments associated with these activities before the end of May (150 days from our December 31 financial year-end).

Featured Reports

Name Download
2018 ESTMA Report PDF (255 KB) 2018 ESTMA Report
2019 ESTMA Report PDF (232 KB) 2019 ESTMA Report
2020 ESTMA Report PDF (275 KB) 2020 ESTMA Report
2021 ESTMA Report PDF (465 KB) 2021 ESTMA Report
2022 ESTMA Report PDF (165 KB) 2022 ESTMA Report
2023 ESTMA Report PDF (180 KB) 2023 ESTMA Report